Dear Client:
To benefit from the conditions of Academy or Wholesale, it is essential that in addition to registering on the web we activate you as such.
To avoid fraud, activation in this service is not automatic, so you cannot make your purchases until it occurs and this usually takes from 48h to 72h (working days. Product only available for sale and use in Spain).
If you do not belong to any of these two groups (Owning an Academy or a Trade in Fine Arts or Crafts) we invite you to register as a normal customer by pressing the Registration key located at the top of the website or at Finalize your purchase.
We must validate the documents that accredit you as an Academy or Wholesale Store and that are exclusive of each other and cannot appear in the two purchasing groups and benefitting only from the offers, advantages and exclusive promotions for the group to which it belongs. Nor will the offers or general conditions apply to these purchasing groups.
In both cases we need a photocopy of the CIF and the IAE .
* If you are a new customer, you are not registered or have never purchased on our website:
Register (click here) and follow the instructions .
* If you are already a customer or are already registered on our website:
Write us through the contact form on our website (click here) or send us an email to with the documentation and put in the subject High Academy or High Store and we will try to answer you as soon as possible with a short form and our commercial offer.
For any questions you can write to us through the contact form on our website (click here) or call us at 923 244 397.
Thank you